Getting to Trancoso
Maps and directions to Trancoso and Villas de Trancoso
Trancoso is located in the state of Bahia, Brazil. To get here you can fly by commercial jet into the international airport in Porto Seguro about a one hour drive from our Villas. We can arrange for a driver to pick you up at the airport on your arrival. The scenic drive includes a ferry river crossing. If you are new to the area and wish a car rental we can arrange to have it delivered to you at our Villas.
For those that are traveling from abroad best connections to Porto Seguro airport are through the Guarulhos International airport in Sao Paulo. Less frequent direct connections can sometimes be found through Salvador, Brasilia and Belo Horizonte.
For those that are flying by private jet Trancoso has a private jet airport as well as a heliport located in the Terravista Resort Complex approximately 5 kilometers from our Villas.
Airport Administration Terravista Telephone:
+ 55 (73) 9 9198 0533
AIS Telephone:
+ 55 (73) 9 9198 0763
Villas de Trancoso is located on a beautiful palm studded beach known as Nativos beach approximately 1.5 kilometers from the historic Quadrado of Trancoso and 5 kilometers from the Terravista Golf Resort with jet airport and heliport. The red pin shows the location of our beach bar which fronts our gardens, pool, restaurant and villas.